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 Battery Powered Electromagnetic Flowmeters; KF700E(MF740) Series






KF700E(MF740) Series







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[Performance Feature]
Intelligent Battery Powered Electromagnetic Flowmeter Converters; MF740 Series

Output: pulse
Accuracy: ¡¾0.5%, ¡¾1%
Battery: MF740A / MF740B durable years: 4 years, MF740C durable years: 6 years
Environmental condition: temp. -10¡É ~ 60¡É, relative humidity 90%
Display: 7 numbers of instantaneous delivery, 7 numbers of totalizer
Communication: GSM / GPRS
Computed mode: 4 keys
Volumes: 180 x 120 x 75mm
Installation type: compact

   Battery Powered Electromagnetic Flowmeters; KF700E(FA/KA/VA/JA) Series

   Electromagnetic Flowmeter; KF700(VA) Series